Tuesday, January 13, 2015

‘Father-Daughter Bondage’: Actor Sanjay Dutt Walks Back To Jail After 'Fulrough' Past Teary 'Bid Adieu' By Children

We have seen him with guns on screen, blood oozing from his nose with wounds all over his body. Film lovers have been awed by his stunts. He is labelled as a strong man of Bollywood with a huge list of action movies to his name. But when Bollywood Actor Sanjay Dutt was sent back jail on January 11, he was as emotional as any of us. 

Dressed in jeans and stripped shirt, he looked gloomy and blue. Surrounded by his wife, children and well-wishers, Dutt walked back to Yerawada jail in Pune on January 11. Parting from his family after spending a fortnight with them made the actor emotional.
But the strong man of Bollywood could not resist his tears on bidding farewell to his four year old daughter, Irqa. The daughter-father hugged repeatedly, in tears. Seeing her husband go brought tears to Maanayata Dutt as well. Sanjay hugged his wife repeatedly. His son, Shahraan was equally sad and sobbed to see the father go.

As police men guided him to entrance of the jail, Dutt was seen hooked to his daughter, trying to calm her down and promising to be back soon. He kissed her repeatedly as Iqra held him tight, not letting him go. 

Dutt might be booked in criminal record, but for family he is like any other father/husband.  This bond was visible as Dutt went back to jail recently.
 The veteran Bollywood actor is serving five year imprisonment after being convicted by the Supreme Court of India for illegal possessing   of AK-56 assault rifle during the Mumbai (India) serial blast of 1992-1993.

This was the third time that Dutt was out on furlough leave. Earlier, he had taken the same in 2013 for reasons of ill-health of his wife and himself. In October 2013, he was on furlough leave for ill health for two weeks. He took another leave I December 2013 due his wife’s illness.  

The recent furlough leave by Dutt has drawn flak from various quarters. The system has been accused of playing favorites.

As Dutt entered the jail, the family was seen sobbing as they headed to their vehicles. Maanayata held Iqra in her lap, trying to soothe her.

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