Friday, March 07, 2014

Shame On You Mr.Mallya! An Open Letter From KFA Women

By Siddhi Sharma | INNLIVE

WOMEN'S DAY SPECIAL The Kingfisher Airlines was once a synonym of flamboyance and glam quotient. Everything associated with the brand had a splendor and Class! That’s a bygone era now, today, the same brand is mocked upon and the employees who once were proud of their association with the group is now crying for their rights.

Today, just a day before the Women’s Day the Kingfisher Airlines (KFA) women employees have written a  a callous open letter to Mallya putting up nine questions asking for explanation.

 The man known for his glitzy lifestyle and astute business streak will find this letter hard to gulp down. The fiery letter not just charges Mallya of duping the employees, breaking their trust but also blames him for what the employees say commodification of women.  Read along to understand the plight of the woman.
We, the women folk of KFA are forced to write this open letter to you today .We have served the organisation for years, making it one of the most renowned airlines in the world, but today as things stand we found even our association with the airlines so very pathetic. Never thought that a man who posed to be so business committed and god fearing would behave in such an unprofessional, inhuman and uninterested fashion. While people warned us that you are still a spoilt brat and whimsical person, not serious about any business. We were told that even UB group is being taken care of by a few people close to your father, if they withdraw it will collapse in no time. We ignored them having faith in you .You betrayed us and our faith as you did with MCF employees.

Women force has been an integral part of the KFA culture. Today, as we stand in trying circumstances we wish to put forward a certain question to you:
  1. Have you ever bothered to inquire how we have been making both ends meet without salary for 18 months?
  2. Have you ever bothered to know that some of us are only working member of our family?
  3. Why you ruined our family as well as our career by keeping us in dark, when you were not interested in serious business like airline why you kept on giving us false hopes? We are finding it very difficult to find a new job. You also created a dilemma in the aviation now new companies are finding it difficult to acquire planes and they are being charged hugely because of the distrust created by you in them towards India. You are guilty of whole nation. You have done a irreparable damage to the image of our country that too being an M.P.
  4. Do you even understand what it means being mother and how we feel when we have to deny our kids even the most genuine demands? You also have a mother do you have the guts to ask her that what you are doing to us is right? Do you have respect for her or you just show off your respect to her in front of media when your win Rajya Sabha seat and seek her blessings. We are sure if she is aware of your apathy and callousness towards us, she must have told you what is right. It's now up to you to ignore her or follow her advice.
  5. We understand corporates like you feel elated by looting public banks and other institution but why you never thought twice before denying us our wages and why did you not terminated us when you had no investor and intention of running the show as you proudly say for your other silly ventures" show must continue". Why you are not yet able to find investor, now you don't even talk about one. When you are not investing in the airline, how can you expect others to invest in this company mismanaged by you.
  6. Do you have any respect for women or you just believe in commodification of them for your selfish and nasty purposes. You tweeted and advocated fast track courts for Delhi rape victim Damini. Please advise which court shall we approach as no one is ready to help us. Please note she got liberated and left this cruel world but our condition is worse and far more harrowing than her as it is a continuous and never ending torture by you for us.
  7. Is it not true that some of the cabin crews were forced to serve in your nasty parties and your guests like you use to misbehave with them and whoever didn't agree to this she was tortured and harassed. If this is not true please come forward and deny this in front of the whole world.
  8. You keep on retweeting about IPL, Hi Blitz, Sahara force India but never about KFA and it's employees. Why? You say you don't have money and you are helpless but the fact is you are not at all guilty. How your conscience permits all this. Please note law is catching up with your partner sahara shri. Do you wish to face the same humiliation or want to amend yourself?
  9. Why were you not moved by the suicide of the wife of your employee due to non payment of salary and why no case was filed against you for abetment of suicide like Gopal Kanda inspite of the fact that her suicide note clearly indicted that. Did you bribe Delhi police? We hope one day Home ministry/Delhi police would re open the case and punish you for your crime.
You have been always busy in your other ventures. Never skipped any KFA calendar but did you realize the yearly problems that your work force went through as we tried to recover our company thinking you are doing your best on your end but now we realized that you only exploited and used us.

The letter is not just a set of questionnaire, it's an open platform, where the women have poured their hearts out. So  Read ahead to understand how the woman folks  in one corner of our country feel today , while most of us are heading towards celebrating the Women’s Day.

So, while the world may celebrate women's day, for us there is no celebration, in fact it's even demeaning to even think of the day considering the ignorance and hardships that we faced and are still facing.

Your plush lifestyle, ways and business ventures have been known to the world. It's laughable then to listen to your excuses. We wonder at times how a person can be so insensitive to human feelings and emotions.

 Mr. Mallya if there is any shame left in you then come and meet us and have a first hand look at the kind of lives that we are leading. It will surely then make u realize that a human existence is far more important than breeding horses or running your emotions in the F1 track or playing your luck through the IPL players.

Our KFA experience has been the worst experience of our life, while you buried all your worries under the influence of alcohol but remember alcohol can make you forget your problems/commitments temporarily but can't solve them for you. Come out of the imaginary world, be on earth.... We hope and pray you will get well soon and shed your ego and apathy towards us.

INN  further shares the dilemma of the ladies , one of the KFA employee Sonia says that life has become a living hell for her and that with little money left she has no idea what the future holds. Another employee Pooja says  that Mallya robbed the women employees of their freedom.  It was then but apt for the women employees to write him a letter. That Mallya would reply to the letter is like hoping against hope say the employees. They know for sure that the fight isn't over. 

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