Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Art Of Politicking: Tricks Of 'Power Play' Politicians

Indians are sick of the same old political tricks being played by political leaders term after term. Once power is acquired, these politicians behave like movie stars who carry larger than life perceptions about them. 

The invitations, honors, name plates, banners, posters, etc., are the tools that systematically damage the common sense of the politicians to a zero level and make them zero at the end of the tenure. Only those politicians who know the tricks of the trade of being in power can offset the influence of them and keep in touch with the reality.

Trick No. 1: Political Meetings to showcase strength
Yesterday, at the RP road flyover Opposite BSNL office I saw a scene where nomads were selling toys, arrows, etc on the road side abandoning their kids to play with materials of the ongoing metro work. I wonder if the cost of conducting a plenary can be used to rehabilitate many such nomads and give them a respectful and socially secured life.  

Trick No. 2: Ensuring that Beggars/Nomads continue to exist
The beggars found in many X roads in the city can easily be rehabilitated with the money being spent on various government functions being conducted throughout the year. Mother Godavari did not ask for Rs 500 crores to be spent on the Pushkaram. She just wants us to know her as a Divine force and not pollute her. She wants us to lead a happy life with the elixir of life. No effort is made to educate the people on the ancient wisdom about our Rivers and how they should be respected. For that matter we are known for abusing each and every water body in our country. This is the dichotomy that exists in our civic society. We have got money but we do not spend for the right purpose.

Trick No. 3:  Publicize foundation stone laying and inaugurations 
We allot several crores just to celebrate the 1st birthday of Telangana where several people go without water, food, clothing and health services. The Governments continue to spend public money for various celebrations and even waste precious food. We have a highly subsidized parliament canteen to feed the rich persons who were elected to serve people.  

Trick No. 4: Spend Public Money for purposes that cannot be challenged 
MPLADS amount is going to be enhanced to 25 crores per MP. When we look at the details of MPLADS it is clear in one particular year that our very senior and respected political leaders have chosen not to spend the money. In the MPLADS the public money is being given away in the hands of the MP to spend as per his whims and fancies. Is this the democratic way of spending scarce public money. Our great old Congress Party is now protesting stoutly the Land Bill. What did this party do during its rule that lasted for more than 5 decades? It has successfully ensured through Garibi Hathao schemes and other populist schemes like loan waivers etc., that the poor shall remain poor and they shall not progress. 

Trick No. 5: Roll out various schemes and gain from them through corrupt practices
Several crores of rupees are being spent on poverty alleviation schemes and other welfare schemes like PDS. Yet India is a developing country and significant number of people suffer from poverty, malnutrition, ill heath and lack of basic civic amenities. The rules of this political game is clear.  Only a few political leaders and civil servants get benefited from implementing these schemes and even today a widow who is above 60 years will have to visit the government office to get her pension. This is the quality of our civic service. 

Trick No. 6. Play trump card
Politicians play several trump cards using their community, caste, locality, social status, ministry, to expose themselves as persons who really care for the welfare of the poor. Each MLA/MP is a chairman or Head of some board, committee, organization, etc  So they get double benefit by playing several roles. For example as a Chairman of a Temple, the Temple buys a car, as a committee chairman the committee or commission buys an office and vehicle, so on and so forth.   

There are many political tricks that our elected leaders play to be in power. How can we ensure that they do not play games with people once elected.  Here are some of the critical reforms that we should bring about immediately:

Electoral Reforms:
  •     Declare the audited party funds before filing nominations
  •     Contest for only one seat
  •     Declare election expenses
  •     Record all the poll time promises and their fulfillment shall be             reported on quarterly basis.
  •     If they fail to fulfil 90% of the promises within two years, they shall     seek fresh elections that are only conducted using e-voting - where      voter id linked voting can be done from home even
Post elections:
  • One man one post
  • No politician should be appointed as the head of or member of any professional/spiritual body
  • No funds to be allotted to any elected member for spending in his/her constituency
  • The constituency annual plan shall be submitted by the respected elected member
  • Budget is prepared based on Constituency Plan
  • All Constituency plans shall be clubbed and reconciled to avoid duplication and arrive at a robust plan for the state and country.
  • No freebies or subsidy to any elected member, including free lunch
These are some of the aspects that this country needs to implement to make the political atmosphere more healthy and really contribute to the development of the nation.

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