Saturday, June 20, 2009

Etiquette: Fostering business relationships

By M H Ahssan

Sound business relationships are a key pillar for business success, particularly in these turbulent economic times. While developing relationships requires immaculate planning, preserving them requires a Herculean effort. Here are a few guidelines to help you foster important business relationships :

Honesty: In business , being truthful isn’t easy, especially if you have to give or receive negative feedback . However, honesty promotes trust, a critical element for future business relationships.

Compassion/ Generosity: With the stakes being so high, it’s tough to be compassionate. Being generous can be tricky too, as you risk being taken advantage of. Yet, displaying both compassion and generosity wins fundamental, sustainable respect.

Using Power Words: I would rate “Please” and “Thank you” as the most powerful business words. Use them liberally in all your business interactions – with your colleagues, peers, clients, seniors and juniors alike.

Punctuality: With businesses becoming 24 x 7, we operate with constantly crammed work schedules . Yet, being late makes you appear unprofessional and displays lack of respect for others. Avoid packing in that “one last call” , before running into your meeting.

Staying Connected: Talking is the context in which all business is conducted. While emails benefit by being non-intrusive , phone calls are more personal and face-to-face meetings most effective. Use a healthy blend of all the three in your interactions .

Own up: By taking ownership for your work, you automatically accept responsibility for your mistakes. Accept the fact that “to err is human” . Acknowledging a mistake, apologising for it and providing a solution go a long way.

Learn by Asking: Asking relevant questions shows genuine interest and improves your ability to understand business situations better.

Lastly, learn to say “No” : At times, you may be asked to do things beyond your expertise and it’s best to say a polite “no” . Aligning your business partner’s expectations with your own capabilities helps bring focus and takes care of future problems.

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