Sunday, April 26, 2015

LIVE: Donate Generously In 'Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund'

APPEAL FOR IMMEDIATE HELP: We woke up to the news that a devastating 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal. There has been widespread damage in the Kathmandu valley and the death toll is climbing rapidly.

There is an urgent need for medical care for survivors, as well as food, clothing, and emergency shelters. We've set up the Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund so that you can help victims and survivors of this awful disaster.

All donations to this fund will support disaster recovery and relief efforts for the earthquake in Nepal. Initially, the fund will help first responders meet survivors' immediate needs for food, fuel, clean water, hygiene products, and shelter. Once initial relief work is complete, this fund will transition to support longer-term recovery efforts run by vetted local organizations.

Whenever disasters strike, we know we can count on us to come to the aid of victims and their families. Your donation today will we send a message to the people of Nepal that the world is with them in their time of need.

As you know, Educop World works with thousands of nonprofits all around the world. We will quickly and efficiently get your funds to the projects that need them most. As always, you'll receive updates about how your donations are used. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. 

Thank you for your generosity, 

Educop World - Nepal Earthquake Project

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