Thursday, March 27, 2014

My India - My Vote: Embark Upon The Environment Gauge

By Siddhi Sharma | INNLIVE

There are copious environmental issues in India which needs our immediate consideration and we must act together, to combat these challenges.  For instance, WHO reports that in 2012 around 7 million people died as a result of air pollution exposure, it also leads to respiratory diseases, including acute respiratory infections and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. 

That’s not all, the world is already staring at impending water crisis due to climate change, population increase and pollution, a UN report has predicted that as many as 3.4 billion people will be living in "water-scarce" countries by 2025.
Foremost environmental concerns are forest and agricultural degradation of land, resource diminution (water, mineral, forest, sand, rocks etc.),environmental degradation, public health, loss of biodiversity, loss of resilience in ecosystems, livelihood security for the poor. 

The major sources of pollution in India include ,the rampant burning of fuel wood and biomass such as dried waste from livestock as the primary source of energy, lack of organized garbage and waste removal services, lack of sewage treatment operations, lack of flood control and monsoon water drainage system, diversion of consumer waste into rivers, cremation practices. 

Near major rivers, government mandated protection of highly polluting old public transport, and continued operation by Indian government of government owned, high emission plants built between 1950 to 1980. Air pollution, poor management of waste, growing water scarcity, falling groundwater tables, water pollution, preservation and quality of forests, biodiversity loss, and land/soil degradation are some of the major environmental issues India faces today. India's population growth adds pressure to environmental issues and its resources. 

Thus, this is the issue where the government alone cannot meet our requirements, we all need to come together to address these challenges only then can India relish being environmentally sound country like its developed counterparts.

We, at INN Live have brought forth the list of our concerns regarding a environmental concerns. We want to see a change this time, no excuse shall be entertained at any cost. Let’s come to1gether for a cause that needs us and our voice.  After all, It’s My India, My vote, it must count and It will count.

IMPROVIZE PUBLIC CONVEYANCE: On the issue of climate change, while India must stick to its principled stance of equity in international talks, it must concurrently take proactive actions at home to check the demand for fossil fuels. Unless excessive consumption by some is curbed, it will mean depriving those who need to consume more of their legitimate share. 

As part of this, much more focused attention is needed for promoting renewable energy sources. A combination of fiscal incentives and mandatory norms would be required. Also, in order to reduce petroleum demand, reduce traffic jams and improve air quality in cities and towns. Public transport needs to immensely improve to embolden people to shift from private vehicles.

PEANLIZE POLLUTERS: We must build many more sewage treatment plants to reduce pollution of ground and river water. We must also mandate strict effluent control laws in line with the 'polluter pays' principle and ensure rigorous enforcement. We can also impose some penalty based upon the carbon footprints. That will definitely curb the polluters

MAKE ECO-AUDITING MANDATORY: Sustainability and ecological impression must be instituted as part of cost audits of all projects, both at the conceptualization and monitoring stages.

WASTE MANAGING SYSTEM: Our cities are generating enormous quantities of waste every given day, with no apposite waste management system in place our landfills are increasing in size and so are our problems. Environment is the first victim ultimately affecting human beings. We must aim to sensitizing people and segregating their waste. Post segregation the waste shall be recycled and ensured that landfill does not have your contribution. 

WATER BODY CONSERVATION: We must organize and execute effective lake cleanup programs in India. Under this program the organization can adopt a beach, lake or any water body on a voluntary basis. The water body or beach with its periphery are cleaned, strengthened & restored to its original capacity & beauty. 

The cleaning process involves a massive removal of physical garbage from the premises. This is followed by scientific lab testing of the water samples repeatedly to check the contaminants and pollutant levels. Post scientific study, the lake bed is de-silted and the silt is deposited on the bunds and a major bund strengthening program follows soon. The leveled bund is now planted with native species saplings which offer extra support to the bund. 

A small wetland is created towards one corner of the lake to filter out the incoming waste. These wetlands act as the substrate filters; plants like water hyacinths are grown under supervision in this part of the lake alone to ensure filtration. For the beaches repeated nature walks and awareness drives are organized to ensure cleaner environments. If you are worried about a beach, lake, pond or river in your neighborhood, we together can restore the lake to its true natural beauty.

HERBS RESTORATION: Planting native species varieties around these lakes and other water bodies will help entice a lot of birds and other assortment of airborne creatures. These native species are imperative to strengthen the regional bio diversity, regulate water table and help many other organisms to survive. 

Every school, apartment complex or residential society can plant herbs or native Indian saplings. This will help in reinstating a lost biodiversity. By planting these saplings and herbs we will make way for several other insects, animals, birds and others to follow suit. For a healthy green living for all life forms, it becomes vital to launch these bio spots.

URBAN ECO-RESPONSIBILITY: Urban nerve centers are huge knowledge pools with many interested eco volunteers. At the same time the eco problems in a city are also plenty. Our mission is to identify and work towards each city's concerns through conservation. We address the problems of Polythene, Stray Animal Care, Plantations and many more. If you are facing any of these challenges in your city, get back to us immediately. 

We will surely help you out. Paper Bags Initiative in schools and residential complexes creates awareness about making paper bags using old newspapers and using these bags in place of our day to day plastic bags. By this simple solution, we will find a better use to our old newspaper and will find a good reason to avoid Polythene covers. 

These covers are unfavorable to many life forms and it is time we stopped using them. If a shop near your house needs paper bags, reach out to us... Cloth Bags which are cost effective, durable and stylish are available. Replace the use and throw plastic bags in your life with our cloth bags.

COMPOSTING: Waste generated at home is our biggest challenge. We must teach how to convert this waste into nourishing manure. Your herbs and saplings that you planted can be treated with these compost delicacies. From as little as kitchen waste to something as big as collection of apartment complex wastes, this will be a very simple procedure to make you more ecofriendly.

EXIGENCY FOR SANITATION & HYGIENE: It is estimated that, only 31 per cent of India’s population use improved sanitation and in rural India 21 per cent use improved sanitation facilities, the figure represent a very disappointing condition of our country and thus there is a need for exigency for sanitation & hygiene.

These are some of the concerns which we could think of and we are sure we must have missed out few alternatives which we want our readers to contribute in. embarking upon the environment gauge is the need of the hour. If we want to march with the pace of the developed nation, we must not waste a single moment of time and work towards providing better environmental facilities, greener, cleaner and healthy country. So, let us all do our part and make this dream , a reality! 

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