Wednesday, April 29, 2009


By HNN Special Team

An alarm bells sounds in India as the Swine Influenza Virus enters India, according to confirmed sources. All the major travelling organizations kept on 'high alert' to curb this virus. Ministry of Health issued a clear notices to all the tourists places to take the necessary precautionary measures for this virus or report to the concerned state government departments for necessary action. India is putting systems in place to check the entry of swine flu into the country. A round the clock medical surveillance began at the Delhi and Mumbai international airports on Tuesday night.

Medical teams are at the immigration counters. Those found to be ill will be immediately quarantined. The Union Health Ministry has decided to upgrade medical facilities at the Indira Gandhi International Airport. 32 doctors and eight nurses have been deputed.

According to the health ministry:

- A team of doctors and trained medical staff will be on standby at all the 9 airports
- Temporary quarantine areas are being set up inside the terminals where any suspect case can be isolated
- Along with the 24x7 call centres, they will take out ads in papers asking people to report any symptoms
- In the Mumbai airport too, all passengers from US, Canada, UK and France flying Delta, Continental, Air France and Air India are being screened.

Airline authorities are giving questionaires to passengers before they alight from the aircraft. They will need to fill in all their latest medical details.

The deadly swine flu virus first detected in Mexico can no longer be contained says the WHO.

The US has declared a public health emergency to deal with the emerging swine flu.

After Mexico, the United States is the worst affected with over 60 cases and 45 of them are from New York city. Hundreds of students of one school have fallen ill. They had visited Mexico during their spring break. However, city authorities have said it is not confirmed if it is swine flu.

In India the biggest challenge for the government right now is going to be preventing and tracking potential cases of swine flu entering the country through ports or international airports etc. But with lakhs of passengers coming into the country everyday screening each and everyone of them is going to be quite a challenge.

And here's a look at the countries where the flu has spread:

- Mexico
- United States
- Canada
- The UK
- Spain
- Israel
- New Zealand

Suspected cases have also been reported in Brazil, Guatemala, Peru, Australia, and South Korea, and seven EU states. The flu is obviously worrying more and more Governments and health officials around the world.

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