Saturday, January 24, 2009

HAPPY REPUBLIC DAY - A Reader's Message

By Vishal Thapar


More than half a century ago India became a democratic secular republic nation. When Europe was devastated by the war, and finding its foot on the grounds of new thoughts, new values and new future,

Indians found freedom from centuries long foreign rule, wrote and adopted one of the finest constitutions and a vast opportunity to prove to itself and to the world the greatness of India. And there is no doubt, the hardworking intelligent people of India has done a fine job. India has own rockets, satellites, finest educational institutions, plenty of food, plenty of industries, relatively few violence, huge foreign currency reserves, leading R&D institutes, a fantastic defense, a stable government and unparallel brains. And all this was achieved without force, without significant foreign help, and without any violent revolution. Not too many countries can claim such an achievement after centuries of slavory.


Yet, we are somewhat away from what we can be. Here are my thoughts on current problems/shortcomings and how to solve them:

1. There are still millions of destitudes our own Indian brothers, sisters and children - Give them free land to settle, give them food+clothes+education for work, train them to be useful and productive, make them self-sufficient

2. violent crime (especially in some cities) have increased to alarming rate - make the police and law enforcement system stronger and efficient. e.g. double the number of trained police, computerize the criminal record and its exchange, give deadline of 1 month to settle all criminal court cases.

3. Education, in general, still seems quite unbalanced, aimless and of inadequate quality - put some highly educated, pragmatic people with industry experience to review the courses being taught at all levels in all schools of India without exception and ask them to teach their own children exactly the same. Introduce more work and learn programs (hands on learning), useful learning, reduce amount of pages and repetitions, teach civics, Indian Laws, and health conciousness right from the begining.

4. TV and Media seems to play quite a significant role in people's lives, unfortunately often detrimental role. Give Rs.1000 TV to all with just TWO Channels(Hindi and local language) Both educational channel 2 hours a day. Brief news, cultural programmes, social and patriotic films with ZERO violence, educate aboout health, environment, practical living and basic knowledge about safety, civility, good family life, etc. in simplest language.

5. Politics in India unfortunately is the biggest barrier to faster progress of India - I wish I had a solution to that, but I do not at this point. But I guess the only direction India has to take is "cleanlieness" in politics. Anyone who wants to run for a MLA, MP position must have an earned Ph.D., or 10 years of volunteer social service and/or army experience. No under-achiever, loser, scumbag, dishonest, useless for everything else, thugs and thugs promoter individual should choose to or have the right to lead the intelligent people of India. Prove your ability first through hard work and intelligence or else go to some other country to be politician. Remember leaders are to SERVE us the people, not the otherway around? remember it is democracy not their "Baap ka Raj"? Remember millions of patriotic Indians sacrified thier lives to bring us the freedom from this kind of exploiters? We have not forgotten the blood and sweat of our forefathers, that freed us, it was not to replace British crooks with Indian crooks, it was for freedom and equality.

6. Equality seems still a dream. Very often the Rich treat the middleclass as inferior, middleclass treats the poorclass as inferior, one group treats the other as inferior, and it goes down to even the poorest people. It is not funny at all, it is true, I have seen it, and I will not deny that this sort of mentality exists among us. All I can say is, if we Indians ever want to be really great, WE MUST TREAT EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING WITH LOVE AND RESPECT. Yes remember the song we proudly sang about our culture

"ITNA AADAR INSAAN TO KYA, PATTHAR BHI PUJE JATE HAIN"* (there is so much respect(in Inidia) that not only humans, even the stone is worshiped). Let us practise that once again.

How about practising that on your "servant", the nearest tree, the streets you use and the streetdog from today? Yes, Please do stop for a minute from your ultrabusy schedule and take the left over for the dog who barked to keep the thieves away everynight, yes please stop for a minute and pick up that plastic bag from the sidewalk and throw in the garbage-bin, stop for a minute and carry the bag for the poor old man crossing the street. For all that you know, your children may love and respect you even when you grow old, for you will be earning it by your actions. And you will have the satisfaction that you are a good man, your self respect will go up many folds, there is no better feeling than that.

(Note: Expressed views are solely from the author, HNN will not hold any responsibility in his views or consequenses, whatever it may be. - EDITOR)

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