Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Importance of having goals in life

By Lina Mubarak Al Abdulsalaam

How would you feel if someone just told you to pack your suitcase because you’re traveling to Europe on Sunday? Wouldn’t you want to know the purpose of the trip so that you can prepare and plan ahead? Imagine attending a class without an instructor handing you the syllabus. How will you know what assignments and projects are required for you to pass the course?

How about if your boss says, this year we expect you to increase sales and awareness in the market? I bet a little voice in your head will be saying, increase sales by what percentage and is there a specific strategy we should focus on in order to increase awareness. How about if you’re in a relationship and you’re just going with the flow without setting your ultimate intentions? Being a woman you would like to know where this relationship is heading and is there any plans of marriage. Therefore, we should ask ourselves is it okay for us to live without setting any goals in life?

Imagine living a life without having objectives to work for and there you are waiting for things to happen as you go along. If you think of it, it’s like traveling without a map, hoping to find eventually any way. Life without goals is just like you traveling without a destination.

If setting goals is so critically important, then why do some people take time to define exactly where they want to go? Part of the reason is lack of knowledge on how to set clear goals. At one point of time, I realized how important it is to set goals and objectives in life just like we do at work or else I thought to myself I will end up living for the sake of living. As you can see, every organization set goals and objectives both short and long term to increase profitability. Also, leaders have goals for their people and celebrities have goals for their career. So what are goals, how can you state them and why are they important in life?

Goals can be translated to objectives but they must be specific, clear and concise. You should also be able to measure and define targets for your goals. Then you have to believe that your goals are achievable, not impossible nor too easy. They must also be relevant to what you want in life and don’t forget to set the time bond. Finally, make sure you monitor your progress whether you’re reaching the goal because this will help you take corrective actions if by any chance you are off track.

Goals help us focus on what we really want. However, it is important to have your action plans aligned with your objectives in life. Also, note down the evidence of each success making sure you remain within the time bond you agreed on. You'll see a measurable difference in your life the very first day you establish clear, committed goals, even if your first few attempts aren't perfect. You'll be able to make decisions much more rapidly because you'll see how they'll either move you towards or away from your goals.

Waiting for something to inspire you and hoping that the perfect outcome will just fall into your lap is nothing but a fantasy. Clear decision making doesn't happen passively; you actually have to physically put in the time and effort to make it happen. If you don't have clear goals simply because you don't know what you want, then sit down and actively decide what you want. That sense of knowing what you want isn't going to just come to you on a silver plate. Clarity is a choice and it doesn't come to you, you have to go grab it.

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