Saturday, June 27, 2009

Advertising Ideas That Set You Apart!

By M H Ahssan

There's a lot of competition out there for agents. How can you set yourself apart from the crowd so that you are noticed? Take heart, there are some simple things that you can do that will have great impact! Read on.

This is the perfect time of year to look at your advertising and make some decisions. The first should be to develop a theme to your business. This is easiest done by a slogan. Take a look at where you came from, what you enjoy the most, what do your friends think of when they think of you, and what message do you want to convey. Let me give you some examples of what I am talking about.

I know of an agent that has worked with the flower growers in her community for years and wanted to capitalize on that when she went into real estate. Her slogan is “rooted in real estate.” Others capitalize on their experience and build a slogan around that, some it might be that they came from an architectural background and use a slogan such as “finding architectural gems for you.” The point I am making is to look at yourself and don't try the old stale, “professional service, etc.” Too many agents use this and the public doesn't read it any longer, let alone believe it. You need to have something that is a reflection of you.

Now that you have your theme or slogan. Use it! Put it in all your ads, on your business cards, on your flyers. Build an entire image campaign around it.

Next, you should format your ads so that they have the same “look.” Don't change the ad each week, you can change the content, but keep the format the same so that your clients immediately recognize it.

Do the same thing with your flyers or brochures for your properties. Keep the same format. You want agents to recognize your listings as well as consumers.

Use the same personal photo in each ad. Don't change your photo unless it is to emphasize a special holiday like you dressed up for Halloween; and have your photo updated every two years. Please, no glamour shots.

The rule of thumb in creating your ad today should be property first, agent second and company third. The client and property comes first always. The one thing I notice is that company names are getting smaller and smaller—why? If people are recognizing your ads, then they will also think of you when they drive by a sign or a building that has your company name on it. Let the company be an asset to you.

Classified ads are fabulous when you first take a listing. And, it costs very little. Call the next day after taking a listing and put a three-line ad in the classified section of your local newspaper to run for 3 or 4 days or until it can be in the company ad or a personal display ad. Buyers are looking at those ads!

Don't give too much away in your ad. Make them call you! Important words of advice: use the proper words for the property you are advertising. Don't call a house with a red tile roof a Cape Cod. Know what style the property is before you name the style in your ad or brochure. You lose credibility with buyers when you identify the style incorrectly.

Make your ad sound interesting. What do you like best about the property? What sounds better to you? “Charming 3 bedroom, 2 bath with large yard.” OR “Straight from grandma's attic and filled with charm.” Saying less is more in advertising. Classy ads don't have a lot of verbiage. If you can't think of anything to say, use one word descriptions such as, AWESOME, GRAND, INSPIRING VIEWS oops that's two words), EXCEPTIONAL, and so on. You will get calls with this type of ad if it accompanies a picture of the property.

NUMBER ONE RULE in advertising. Be Consistent! I left this till last so that it would be the last thing you think about after finishing this article. This is what will pay you big dividends.

You get it. Happy advertising!

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