Wednesday, September 08, 2021


What is your story? That's the million dollar question at BlogWire these days. Did you see all the new sections on our website?

In case you missed, we introduced a whole new section to #KhabarLive Hyderabad and it's called BlogWire. It's a place where you, I and anyone you know who wants to share their thoughts but doesn't have a platform can contribute. There are no logins needed, no ads to jar your reading experience and you don't need to be an influencer to contribute! All you have to do is follow the rules of contribution and if accepted, you will get a by-line for your article as well.

What type of content are we looking for?

Please go through our categories and the type of content already published to get an idea.

How to contribute to BlogWire?

The draft should be about 500-750 words

Add title + Blurb or Summary + relevant header image [with source of the header image]

Add a short bio of you in 50 words [third person] + link to your blog and/or social media channels

Send in the details to

How can you best structure your article?

Keep it simple, relevant, to the point with a clear takeaway.

Do not use derogatory language towards any community, caste, religion or other groups.

If you’re using facts, figures, quotes, please add in-line sources + a list of references at the end.

Is the contribution to BloWire paid?

The contributions are not paid. But, if we find you contributing regularly to BlogWire, reading, sharing, etc. paid opportunities are likelier as our relationship grows. 

How will I know if my contribution has been selected?

Please give us 4-5 working days to respond to your email. 

Are there any reuse guidelines for a contribution that has been posted on BlogWire?

You are free to share the link on your social media handles but not on your blog/website. Duplication of content like this will lead to Google penalizing your blog and our website.

Terms and conditions:

By default, copyright of all posts on BlogWire rests with individual authors. This is why we ask you to submit a bio and your blog/social media links so due credits can be given. 

BlogWire editors can make changes to your posts such as language edits, tweaking titles/introductions or removing repetitions, unnecessary information, etc. to make your post more readable. 

Any changes that impact your idea, or significantly change the meaning of your idea will be discussed with you via email before we publish the article.

We will be using your article’s content while promoting it and sharing it on social media.

We reserve the right to reject posts that do not meet our writing quality criteria, or other guidelines as stated above. We will duly inform you in that scenario. 

We will never feature plagiarized content on our site. If any such content is submitted, it will be rejected and you may lose all rights to submit in the future.

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